Day 1: Genesis 1-2
“In the beginning, God…” With these words, the unfolding of the story of humanity begins. In the beginning, when nothing else was there, when nothing else existed, when nothing else mattered, God. Later, the prophet Daniel will refer to God as “The Ancient of Days.” He was there before time began, before the earth was formed, before humanity began its story. Ultimately, our story as individuals and as the human race is hemmed in, behind and before and above and below, by the story of God.
“In the beginning, God created…” And notice how he created: he spoke! By the word of his mouth, light shone forth, waters separated into seas, and creatures filled the skies and land. His word brought life and emanated power. Is it any wonder that later, Jesus is called the Word incarnate, since he did the same thing? (see Day 17: John 1)?
God created something unique on each of the first three days, and then on the corresponding second three days he filled it: Light, day, and night on day 1 were filled with sun, moon, and stars on day 4; sky on day 2 was filled with birds on day 5; seas and dry land on day 3 were filled with animals and mankind on day 6. After each of these days, God declared that was he had made was good. The Edenic design for Adam and Eve included someone to love, something to do, a place to call their own, and a right and intimate relationship with their God. This was the initial design of our creation, what we were made for, what we were meant to do. These two initial chapters of Genesis set up life as it was meant to be, and the last two chapters of Revelation uniquely parallel these chapters to indicate that someday, this re-creation will be a reality and all things will be made new -- again.
Questions for reflection or discussion: What practical implications arise from God’s role as preeminent Creator? How does the word of God continue to speak light and life into your world? How do you see yourself and those around you living out - or not living out - God’s Edenic design for mankind?