Day 29: John 20
Mary Magdalene walked to Jesus’ tomb in sadness and in deep grief. She was prepared to care for his body, to mourn him, to process through some of her confusion. But unexpectedly, the tomb was empty. What could this mean? Her natural response was to assume that someone moved the body. The idea of resurrection was so far from her mind that she did not immediately recognize Jesus when he stood in front of her. But then, when he called her by name, she did.
With great joy and surprise, she ran to the other disciples to tell them the news. No one fully understood the significance of what had happened (see v. 9), but when Jesus later appeared to the disciples as well, the were “overjoyed” (v. 20) to see him. Peter was among these disciples - the first time seeing Jesus since denying him three times on the night of his death - and Jesus welcomed him back in (see John 21:15-25). And when Thomas demanded to see proof before he would believe, Jesus gladly showed him his scars.
Much of the remainder of the New Testament writings are spent unpacking the theological significance of the resurrection. And John closes this chapter by explaining the whole purpose of these events: “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (v. 25). This author had a definite purpose in mind, and he understood that what he had seen would change everything. Rest for a moment in the overwhelming, life-changing, world-altering joy that the disciples and their friends experienced when they realized that Jesus was alive and that “it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him” (Acts 2:24). Jesus has risen - he has risen indeed!
Questions for reflection and discussion: Now, three days later, what do you think that Peter, Mary, or the other people in this chapter would have been thinking and feeling? What elements of the resurrection are most surprising, confusing, or important to you? Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and by believing do you have life in his name?